اللعبة الكلاسيكية مع العديد من الخرائط والأوضاع الجديدة.
Prop Hunt Portable brings the classic hide-and-seek game to your mobile device with a fun and exciting twist. In this game, one player takes on the role of the hunter, while the others become props. The goal for the props is to survive until the end of the round, while the hunter must find and kill them all.
The game's essence lies in the early rounds. Props have the ability to disguise themselves as various objects scattered around the map. This could be anything from a chair to a potted plant, making it a challenge for the hunter to spot them. As the rounds progress, the props become more powerful, gaining abilities such as teleportation and invisibility.
Prop Hunt Portable is developed by Rexet Studio and is available for download on Google Play for Android devices. With its simple yet engaging gameplay, the game offers a fun and thrilling experience for players of all ages. Whether you're looking for a quick and casual game or a more strategic and challenging experience, Prop Hunt Portable has something to offer everyone.
Key Features:
Developer: Rexet Studio
Note: This information is accurate as of November 2023.