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البعيد العالمي التلفزيون
البعيد العالمي للتلفزيون، من تطوير Pinnacle Labs، ويتيح التحكم في التلفاز من هاتفك.
The Universal Remote TV app offers intuitive control over your television and simplifies the viewing experience. If your physical remote is malfunctioning or lost, this user-friendly app is an excellent replacement.
What Makes Universal Remote TV Special?
- It provides seamless control over your TV via your phone's local network connection.
- No external hardware is required, making it a convenient and cost-effective option.
- The app functions like a smart TV remote, offering intuitive features.
Connecting Your TV and Phone
Ensure your TV and phone are connected to the same Wi-Fi network. Enter your TV's IP address in the app settings to initiate the connection.
Important Disclaimer
While Universal Remote TV supports an extensive range of brands, it may not be compatible with all television models.
The Pinnacle Labs team appreciates any feedback or suggestions regarding the app.
Universal Remote TV is a free app distributed on Google Play for Android devices.
أكثر الأدوات تطبيق
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