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Orzmic (Unlimited Money) mod إلى عن على android

إضغط زر وقم بالكشف عن شخصية حقيقية!

Orzmic, a new non-commercial music game developed by BTworks, promises a refreshing and diverse gameplay experience. With its unique譜面 (charts) for every song, Orzmic guarantees a one-of-a-kind experience for each player.

The game caters to players of all skill levels by offering multiple difficulty options for each song. Whether you're a seasoned rhythm game veteran or a newcomer looking to dip your toes into the genre, Orzmic has something for you.

The initial release of Orzmic boasts over twenty high-quality tracks from both domestic and international music producers. The developers plan to continuously add new songs in future updates, ensuring a growing and vibrant library to keep players engaged.

Developed by Big_True and available for download on Google Play for Android devices, Orzmic is poised to shake up the mobile music game scene with its innovative approach and commitment to quality.

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معلومات مفصلة:

موسيقى Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
14‏/09‏/2022 558.52 MB 10,000+
الإصدار تقييم إعلانات
4.2+ PEGI 3 لا يحتوي على إعلانات
السعر شراء داخل التطبيق
0 رقم
إصدار الإصدار التغييرات
1.0 大幅度修改了PUPA和BiBiC Heart的谱面
مطور الفئة
Big_True موسيقى