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Lock's Quest full unlocked mod إلى عن على android

لعبة ألغاز ومغامرة تتحدى عقلك وتجعلك تفكر في كل خطوة.

Gear up for battle and fight against the relentless Clockwork horde in the highly anticipated remake of the critically acclaimed Lock's Quest!

You play as Lock, a young boy who witnesses the invasion of his village, sparking a larger war between the human Kingdom Force and the newly-minted Clockwork army, led by the villainous Lord Agony.

The thrilling story unfolds as you progress through the 75-day war across dozens of unique maps, utilizing a diverse arsenal of towers, traps, and special attacks. Experience the game like never before with stunning remastered visuals, a captivating new soundtrack, and more!

Key Features:

Relive the classic Lock's Quest experience with enhanced visuals, gameplay, and features.

Thank you for playing Lock's Quest!

© HandyGames 2019 Developed by: HandyGames. Distributed on Google Play for Android.

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معلومات مفصلة:

الإستراتيجية Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
27 فبراير 2021 56.4 MB +1,000
الإصدار تقييم إعلانات
6.0 والأحدث كل من يبلغ 10 أعوام فما فوق (عنف خيالي) لا يحتوي على إعلانات
السعر شراء داخل التطبيق
US$ 7.99 رقم
إصدار الإصدار التغييرات
Fixed a problem where a cutscene didn't continue
Fixed that Lock could get stuck in walls in certain situations
مطور الفئة
HandyGames الإستراتيجية
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