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Botto apk + data (unlocked) mod إلى عن على android

تطبيق بوتو يدمج بين الذكاء الاصطناعي والتعلم الآلي لتوفير نمط حياة آمن.

Calling friends and loved ones around the world just got easier with Botto. This innovative app allows you to call actual phone numbers, eliminating the need for the other person to have the app installed. Whether you're connecting with family overseas or friends across town, Botto ensures reliable and convenient communication.

Developed by go central and distributed on Google Play for Android devices, Botto offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive features. Simply input the phone number you wish to call, and Botto will connect you instantly. Its exceptional reliability makes it the perfect choice for important conversations, ensuring your voice reaches its destination without interruption.

Gone are the days of struggling with unreliable calling apps that require both parties to be on the same platform. Botto transcends these limitations, allowing you to connect seamlessly with anyone, regardless of their device or location. Embrace the freedom and convenience of calling actual phone numbers with Botto.

Reach out to loved ones near and far with ease. Download Botto for Android on Google Play and experience the difference.

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الاتصال Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
27 فبراير 2021 9.93 MB 1,000+
الإصدار تقييم إعلانات
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