Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 1Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 2Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 3Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 4Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 5Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 6Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 7Vikings: War of Clans screenshot 8

Vikings: War of Clans full apk for android mod إلى عن على android

كن قائد الفايكينغ، وابني جيشًا قويًا، ووسّع إمبراطوريتك!

Vikings: War of Clans is a mobile game that plunges players into a brutal world of Vikings, where freedom, strength, fear, and violence reign supreme. As a player, you lead valiant warriors in battles, conquer the world, and prove your might against players from across the globe.

The game features stunning graphics, an immersive storyline, and action-packed battles that will keep you hooked from the moment you start playing.

Build a Powerful Empire

In Vikings: War of Clans, you build a magnificent palace, participate in strategic campaigns, and expand your valiant army. You also raid and pillage for valuable resources, ensuring your prosperity and dominance.

Forge Alliances and Conquer Together

Join a powerful clan or establish your own, forging alliances with other players. Participate in clan wars and conquer new territories together, achieving ultimate glory.

A Realm of Endless Possibilities

Vikings: War of Clans offers a wide array of warriors to choose from, including mercenaries, horsemen, berserkers, archers, and more. Customize their skills and equipment to build an unstoppable force.

Embark on Epic Adventures

Complete diverse quests and challenges, earning generous rewards and furthering your legend. With its immersive world and endless possibilities, Vikings: War of Clans will keep you entertained for hours on end.

Free to Play, With Optional In-App Purchases

While Vikings: War of Clans is free to play, it offers optional in-app purchases to enhance your gaming experience. However, you can easily disable in-app purchases in your device settings if you choose not to use them.

A Thrilling World of Vikings Awaits

With its stunning graphics, captivating storyline, and action-packed gameplay, Vikings: War of Clans is an excellent choice for mobile gamers who enjoy strategy, combat, and conquering new worlds.

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معلومات مفصلة:

الإستراتيجية Android تطبيق

محدث بحجم التثبيت
16 يوليو 2021 104.9 MB +10,000,000
الإصدار تقييم إعلانات
4.1 والأحدث مراهقون (عنف خيالي, إشارة خاصة بالكحوليات) لا يحتوي على إعلانات
السعر شراء داخل التطبيق
Free نعم
إصدار الإصدار التغييرات Update!

- Decreased the maximum headcount of reinforcement troops in some Fortresses.
- Increased the efficiency of the Increased Offense and Increased Defense 10-minute boosts – from 100 to 500%.
- Changed the visual design of the Global Map.

Download the update now!
مطور الفئة
Plarium LLC الإستراتيجية
آخر Plarium LLC تطبيقات
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